Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BaBy UpDaTe!!

What a busy month June has already been.

As most of you know, I have resigned from teaching and very much look forward to staying home with Baby Baker:) However, leaving my HMS family was much harder than I ever anticipated. For the past 6 years they have played such an important part in my life and I have many wonderful memories that I take with me! I had the awesome opportunity of learning from the best and couldn't have asked for better mentors to guide me as I embarked on my teaching adventure back in 2004. So, when I moved out of my classroom June 4th and 5th it was quite a bit more emotional than I thought. Saying goodbye was much more difficult than I had ever imagined. But now, I am so looking forward to what is ahead and can't wait the arrival of little BB!

But first, Mom and my good friend Stephenie helped me move out of my classroom. In true mom style she had to capture the whole thing. So, here's a pic from the day:

Please excuse the BRIGHT orange's one of the few I have left that still fits!!

Once we got me all moved out it was time to focus on BB's room! Mom and I spent the week sewing and have just a few things left to do. Here is a sneak peak of the nursery and our adventures as we attempted to pull it all together.

All the fabric...

Mom and I sewing away, even late at night...

And, it is beginning to take form...

So far, so cute! Can't wait to see if all pulled together:)

Lastly, since Chris was unable to make the sonogram appointment last week Mom got to see Little BB with me! Unfortunately, we didn't get any great pictures this time as my stubborn child, can't imagine where s/he gets that from, wouldn't move to allow their face to be seen. So, this is what you get...fortunately, we will have our next one in a little over 2 weeks and hopefully BB will be a little more cooperative!

But, BB is doing really well and growing perfectly! I am currently scheduled to deliver around August 26, but I wouldn't be surprised if they move up the date a little if BB keeps growing at the current rate. We will have to wait and see! In the mean time, I am enjoying every moment of being pregnant and just know it is such a blessing and miracle!


Charis said...

Yea for the update :) You guys have been really busy! Can't believe you have less than 6 weeks to go. I think I'm going to be able to make your Abilene shower next weekend, so I'm looking forward to seeing you!!!

Kelly said...

Charis - that would be awesome! I would love to catch up with has been way to long:) How are you feeling?

Andrea Metcalf said...

Where have I been? I had no idea you were expecting! Congratulations to both of you too! Thanks too for sharing your story. I guess I wanted people to know that it doesn't always happen in two months like it seemed to for all of my friends/family. :) God sure does have a different plan for all of us.

Ashley said...

Oh, I just love the nursery fabrics!!! That is going to be precious; I'm so impressed with you and your mom's sewing abilities, that's awesome!! We are so glad and just praising God that you're feeling well and BB is growing right on track! Can't wait to see you for baby's shower! :)